Membership Information
Membership Benefits
2025 Inn Member Benefits and new initiatives prepare us to create lasting success!
- Media: Use of the WIIN Logo, our quality seal of approval on your website, social media, newsletters and print materials.
- Become a Washington “INNSider”: Share your extensive Travel Expertise! WIIN provides one of the most active consumer- facing lodging & travel information websites in the state at This customer-facing brand exclusively serves member properties to better promote themselves, increase commission-free direct bookings, and provide “INNSider“ Information” for travelers seeking Washington as a destination.
- Port of Seattle Tourism Promotion/Advertising: WIIN has received generous grants from the Port of Seattle in order to drive tourism to our state from California, Colorado, Florida, Texas, North Carolina, and Georgia. It first launched in Spring 2021. A substantial Google text ad campaign encourages travelers from those states to visit to plan their Washington getaway, and book directly at our premier member Washington Inns. We continue to see upticks as we continue these ad campaigns.
- Certified Food Protection Manager: WIIN has paid to train and certify three CFPMs to provide resources to all of our members. This saves individual inns the time and money needed for this certification.
- E-Newsletters: Increase your hospitality intelligence with the monthly INNStep newsletter, full of information to keep you informed on the latest association events and news, legislative updates, marketing and continuing education tips. Travel Newsletter sent quarterly to customer/guest subscribers and to those who purchase gift certificates; it includes travel-focused articles and links readers to and member websites.
- Social Media Blog Marketing strategy: WIIN members are becoming the Washington State Travel Experts providing relevant, valuable content to consumers with seamless “book direct” capabilities to every Inn Member. Inns are rotated throughout the featured system with personal stories and travel input requested from Inn Members regularly via our VP of Guest Connection and Regional Directors.
- Legislative Representation: WIIN’s Vice President of Advocacy works with government agencies and the Washington Hospitality Association (WHA) to represent our members’ interests ranging from enhanced permitting to health department interface and regulations to even the playing field with unlicensed short-term rentals. In-process legislation is tracked weekly through the WHA’s Government Affairs Committee, helping to pass Action Alerts on to all members for easy participation in making positions known to legislators.
- WIIN Gift Certificates: The association sells $7-10K in gift certificates annually and has over $40K of certificates sold and available for redemption at any one of our member properties. Unlike most gift certificate programs, ours are redeemed at 100% of face value and are promoted in our travel newsletter. Gift Certificates never expire and can be used at any member inn. Fast & easy redemption.
- Annual Conference and Regional Gatherings: An Annual Conference and Trade Show are held for the whole membership and guests each year that includes a conference, educational workshops, and Associate Member trade show as well as an Annual business meeting with all voting members. Keep up-to-date via continuing education at our annual conference and regional gatherings in your area. Meet and network with innkeepers from around the state and bring back valuable business information for your inn. Members always get a discounted rate at the conference.
- Associate Members: Business vendors and service providers can educate and inform member inns, gain professional contacts and sales opportunities with space provided in monthly INNStep newsletters. Associate members can provide material for the monthly e-newsletter and be seen on the Member website all year, which provides a vehicle to offer support and periodic specials to all WIIN members. They are also given a table for participation in the Vendor Trade Show at the annual Conference every November. There’s a $250 annual membership fee.
- Member Support: Success through Connection is a pillar of WIIN. Members have many ways to connect with like-minded owners/operators. Online member forum(s) and pop-ups (‘happy hour’), an active board and executive committee, regional ‘get-togethers’ and more are available throughout the year for member connection. We are a peer-focused organization and a safe place to ask questions, get support, network with members and associates, and share stories, successes and dilemmas. WIIN online member forum via an active private Facebook page to support communication between member innkeepers within our state. Ask questions, get support, network with other members, and share stories, successes and dilemmas. Additional member information and support is available by contacting the WIIN Board with bylaws, meeting minutes and operations manual access.
- Discounted Washington Hospitality Association Membership Benefit: Join WHA with a special discounted Corporate Membership. Benefits include government affairs advocacy, education resources including the HERO business resource manual and many discount programs including healthcare and credit card processing. Optional WHA Membership is $250 annually.
Inn Membership Application
Thank you for your interest in the Washington Independent Inns Network (WIIN)– the only statewide association of professional innkeepers in Washington. If you are looking for connections with fellow inn owners/operators, and you are independently owned, licensed, insured and inspected, we would love to have you as a member! The VP of Member Connection welcomes all questions regarding benefits, standards, or the application process at, promising a quick response.
Inns are encouraged to review current WIIN standards of membership and submit your application on-line by filling out the below form.
After receipt of your completed application and payment of the one-time $149 inspection Fee, the membership committee will review and if satisfactory, a WIIN Board Member will then contact you to schedule a visit to your inn. Inspection documents will be sent ahead of time for you to prepare for that meeting. When completed, WIIN’s board of directors will review your application and vote to approve membership. After approval, an invoice for annual dues of $499 (prorated from date of approval through September 30, the end of our fiscal year) will be sent to you. If you are the new owner of a current WIIN member inn and you complete this application within 30 days of taking ownership, any dues paid by the selling member will be credited to you!
Associate Membership Application
Associate Memberships are available to businesses offering products and services to innkeepers or anyone who shares WIIN’s interest in promoting the small, independent lodging industry in Washington State.
Thank you for your interest in the Washington Independent Innkeeper Network (WIIN), the only statewide association of professional innkeepers. We would love to have you as a member!
Listing in the members-only section of with description, link and optional photo or video.
- Use of the exclusive WIIN logo.
- Member mailing lists and contacts.
- Member rates at WIIN conferences.
- Associates are provided a table for participation in the Vendor Trade Show at Annual Conferences.
- Listing and link in “INNStep,” WIIN’s newsletter. Business vendors and service providers can educate and inform member inns, gain professional contacts and sales opportunities with space provided in monthly INNStep newsletters.
- Associate members can produce video infomercials to be seen on the Member website all year, which provides a vehicle to offer support and periodic specials to all WIIN members.
How to Apply
We encourage online application and payment. After approval by WIIN’s Board of Directors, you will be added to our website and introduced to our members. Associate Member dues are $250 per year. Our Vice President for Member Connection will answer any questions you have about benefits or the application process.
Aspiring Membership Application
The Washington Independent Inns Network (WIIN) is proud to offer a membership program designed to meet the needs of Aspiring Innkeepers – Washington’s future innkeepers! The membership is tailored to meet the needs of the following individuals:
- Those who do not currently own or operate a B&B or Inn
- Those actively engaged in determining whether to open or operate a B&B or Inn
Membership expires 30 days from opening or operating a B&B or Inn (any portion of unused dues may be applied within 90 days toward the immediate transfer into application of full inn membership subject to inspection).
Many of our members who now own successful Bed & Breakfasts started as Aspiring Innkeepers.
Benefits: Aspiring Innkeepers are entitled to participate in WIIN activities and meetings*, and have access to online newsletters, lists of inns for sale, vendor contacts and discounts, and WIIN’s Aspiring Member mentoring program.
*Aspiring Innkeepers, while welcome at all WIIN events, do not have voting rights.
Your $199 fee covers initial evaluation of your application and the materials, mentoring, and other benefits which will be given to you as an Aspiring Innkeeper.
Additional years of dues beyond the first year are $99.
Application Process: We encourage online application and payment of your $199 application fee.
Affiliate Membership Application
Out-of-state B&B owners, individual employees of inns or B&Bs, or anyone who shares the organization’s interest in promoting the industry are welcome to join us as Affiliate Members. Affiliate memberships are available to individuals only. Affiliate members shall receive newsletters; discounted conference attendance, educational and networking event fees; and other benefits as designated by WIIN.
Affiliate members have no voting rights, and may not use any WIIN or waINNSiders logo in association with any business, product, service or marketing.
Thank you for your interest in the Washington Independent Inns Network (WIIN) the only statewide association of professional innkeepers.
We would love to have you as an Affiliate member!
- Receive WIIN INNStep newsletters monthly
- Discounted conference attendance fees
- Member rates for educational and networking events
- Invitation to private innkeeper forum on Facebook
How to Apply
We encourage you to complete the online application below.
The WIIN Board of Directors reviews and approves all new members.
After approval by the Board, you will be invoiced for membership dues. Affiliate Member dues are $99 per year.
Please contact with any questions you have about benefits or the application process.